Tanglish Tamil - Type in Thanglish to Get in Tamil
Best Website for English to Tamil Dictionary, Thanglish to Tamil font conversion and online Tamil typing, Tamil Typing Translate to English, Tanglish Tamil.
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Note : Press SpaceBar after typing one word for English to Tamil Translation. If translation is wrong click the word to select from list of Suggestions.
Tanglish Tamil - Welcome to www.easytyping.co.in website. Lets hold our hands together to help our next generation to learn and follow the longest surviving classical languages in the world.
Tamil is the language of more than 10 Crore peoples in the world. Tamil is Top 18th most speaking language worldwide. Typing in Tamil is very easy with the help of transliteration tool, it convert your English alphabet characters into Tamil characters.
Each and every tamizh knowing people will be happy to see Tamizh or Tamil typing letters anywhere in the world. Yes, so we are also happy and proud to promote our language through this website with the help of Tamil to English translation tool.
Tanglish Tamil
Convert in Tamil - Unfortunately most of Tamil people don't know the Tamil Keyboard for Computer in order to solve this issue we developed this tool with help of Google API to Translate Thanglish to Tamil Fonts.Here you can type in English fonts itself our Tamil Online Type Tool will translate it to our lovely Tamil Language. For example, type Anbulla Tamil Sonthangley in our text box then press SpaceBar our online tamil translation tool will convert it to "அன்புள்ள தமிà®´் சொந்தங்களே". As said before in some cases there will be small mistakes in our translation so select the mistaken word to get list of suggestions then choose the proper translated tamil word it will help our machine learning tool also.
Best English to Tamil dictionary with perfect meanings and suggestions available in this website. Everything made by our visitors and users. because we provide option to add new words to dictionary and facility to correct meaning/spelling in our website database.In some cases we deliberately use other language for studies or learning. There we need someone to do Translation and also to provide Dictionary. In such case we are providing those options in this website.
Nowadays, we are intended to use English keyboards and keypads. But No worries, Tamil typing online is easy now (without downloading Tamil fonts from anywhere). Our youngsters already playing with Thanglish(writing our language words through English letters). Now its easy to Convert Thanglish to Tamizh. Also you can make use of Tamil to English Translation tool in this website.
Tanglish Tamil - How to use English to Tamil Typing?
As you begin typing the English to Tamil converter tool will convert your character simultaneously. It gives you suggestion words also so you could select best fit word. It's very simple and fastest way to type in Tamil. You could select any of word from suggestion word list and also you can select English word also to insert that one. It's combo tool can type in both Tamil and English simultaneously in same document without changing language.
How to download typed text?
You can download your Tamil typed text by just click on Save Text as File and Save Text as Document button. Save as Text will save your text in simple notepad file. Make sure to keep downloaded file in "UTF-8" encoding any time you edit that file. You can also download text in MS Word format.
How to copy typed text?
To copy text just click on copy button and paste it anywhere you want. The English to Tamil Converter gives you resultant text in Unicode Tamil font, which can used anywhere on web.
To Know more about Tamil Typing Click Here